Planning Portal

Cycling for We Build The Future

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On 5 September, four of the Planning Portal team cycled to victory in the Beyond Somerset Sportive – an epic 70-mile cycle around the Somerset Levels, including a gruelling climb up the famous Cheddar Gorge.

Fortunately the weather was kind, and thanks to months of training, Graeme, Neil, Ian and Ben managed to complete the route in less than four and a half hours, finishing in a respectable fifteenth position (of 125 riders). The team were fundraising for We Build The Future, a charity founded to help people beat cancer via three main approaches:

  • Supporting those in the building and construction sector who have to deal with cancer in their lives
  • Funding research to help accelerate cancer treatment and prevention
  • Promoting health and wellbeing in the building and construction environment.

You can find out more about donations and the total raised here. With thanks to Studio Charrette, who was the team’s shirt sponsor and donated generously.

Following the success of this challenge, the team have also decided to sign up for the next event… but this time, aiming to complete the 103-mile route! This will take place in April 2022.