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National and local planning policy – What’s the difference?

Here we look at the differences between the National Planning Policy Framework and Development Plans
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Here we look at the differences between the National Planning Policy Framework and Development Plans.

National Planning Policy Framework

The National Planning Policy Framework is designed to set out the environmental, social and economic national planning policies. This applies to the preparation of local and neighbourhood plans and decisions on planning applications. The NPPF needs to be taken into consideration when preparing development plans. If you would like to read more about National Planning Policy, please click here.

The National Planning Policy Framework covers many topics, such as housing, transport, economic development, the environment, and business. It was introduced so developments can be approved without delay if they have taken the NPPF rules into consideration.

Development plan

You local planning authority (LPA) is responsible for deciding whether to grant or refuse planning permission for building and development in your area. They also create a ‘Development Plan’ every six years which sets out its planning policies.

Development plans consist of a series of maps and a written statement that sets out your local authorities’ objectives for the use of areas. This can include road improvements, improving amenities and renewal of obsolete areas. All planning applications in your area are measured against the development plan and planning permission will usually only be given if it is following the development plan.